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Banishing Blue Monday

Fun in the sun and sausage sandwiches were the order of the day as we treated our team to keep the January blues at bay.

On Blue Monday – so called because people are believed to be in a post festive slump and short of cash after Christmas – we organised a series of activities to brighten everyone’s spirits.

All of our site staff had a special delivery of a tasty breakfast sandwich along with information and word searches from The Samaritans to encourage communication about mental health. They were also invited to wear something bright to lift their mood.

At the office, we hosted a dress-down Monday, played a game or two of The Price Is Right and enjoyed some sausage butties out in the beautiful January sunshine!

Managing Director Steven Owen: “Although we take the fact it’s supposed to be a ‘blue Monday’ with a pinch of salt, it’s important to recognise that people’s mental health can take a dip in January and during the winter months, especially after a big celebration like Christmas.

“It was good to see everyone’s faces and have a catch up as we haven’t seen some staff in person since early December. The sun was shining so it was a really positive experience and really did raise morale.”
